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Wappen Würselen

 Wappen BardenbergWürselenWappen Broichweiden


  • longitude: 50° 52´ 37"
  • latitude: 6° 9´ 57"
  • total area: 34.38 km²
  • circumference: 39.00 km
  • maximum expansion north to south: 5.65 km
  • maximum expansion west to east: 7.95 km
  • highest altitude 'Ravelsberg' (re. NN): 227 m
  • lowest altitude 'Entenweiher' in the valley of the river Wurm (re. NN): 170 m
  • ZIP: 52146
  • area code: 02405
  • inhabitants 1818/19: 3,192
  • inhabitants 1971 (before incorperation): 20,329
  •  inhabitants 1972: 34,412
    (after incorperation of Bardenberg and Broichweiden)
  • inhabitants 1999: 63,500
    - male: 17,600
    - female: 18,900
  • industrial area  'Aachener Kreuz' (April 1998)
    • firms: 207
    • employess: 5,417
    • - female: 2,073
      - male: 3,344
      - industrial: 2,684
      - service and trade: 2,733
      - full time: 3,859
      - half time: 1,362
    • apprentices and trainee: 196
  • industrial area 'Weiweg' (April 1998)
    • firms: 42
    • employee: 664
      - female: 153
      - male: 511
      - industrial: 437
      - service and trade: 227
      - full time: 524
      - half time: 108
    • apprentices and trainee: 32
 Rivers and Streams
  • River: Wurm
  • Streams: Birker Bach, Broicher Bach, Euchener Graben, Graben Grüner Weg, Graben Weidener Feld, Grenzsiefen, Meisbach, Merzbach, Quellenwassergraben, Ruiferbach, Schimmelgraben, Schweilbach, Steinbach, Vorfluter Talstrasse, Wisselsbach
  • yearly average temperature: 9,5°C
  • yearly average relative humidity: 78 %
  • yearly average rain fall: 807 mm
  • prevailing wind direction: southwest
  • yearly hous with sunshine: 1,562

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