We are the good guys ...
webWürselen is a none-commercial website.
webWürselen is free of commercial advertisement.
webWürselen is hostet on a web server in Germany with full rights.
webWürselen does not give a chance to Facebook, Twitter and so on to track you here.
webWürselen does not use any addons to track the visitors behaviour.
webWürselen tries to strictly observe the copyright of others.
... however
webWürselen is a JOOMLA! Web with all pros and cons.
webWürselen counts the calls to its pages.
(The number behind each entry on the SiteMap.)
webWürselen uses the service of the following websites:
www.openstreetmap.org (presentation of maps)
www.cloudflare.com (defence of hacker attacks)
www.googleapis.com (download of fonts)
www.openlayers.org (presentation of maps)
www.wetter-edka.de (Webcam Merzbrück)
webWürselen has seen the following trackers while surfing on webwurselen.eu:
To be continued, if necessary.